Labeling and Interpersonal Relationship of Negatively-Labeled Students in Physics

  • Beryl John P. Conejar
  • Carl Francis E. Endoma
  • Shiere Diadem R. Lagarto
  • Jessa Marie L. Layog


This qualitative study primarily aimed to determine the relationship between labeling and interpersonal relationship of negatively-labeled students in physics. Specifically it aimed to answer the following questions: (1) Does the family background of the respondents affect their interpersonal relationships between other students and the physics teacher?; (2) What is the relationship of the negatively-labeled students towards their classmates and Physics teacher? (3) How does labeling affect a student inside a Physics class?; and (4) How do the negativelylabeled students deal with labeling? Two (2) negatively labeled students were selected during class observations and through the recommendation of the subject teacher. The participants were selected based on the following qualifications: (1) a fourth year student taking up Physics as a subject; (2) has experienced negative labeling; (3) willing to participate in the study. Permit to conduct the study was secured from the principal who referred the researchers to a physics teacher of the 4th year students. Class observations were conducted followed by an indepth interview of the subjects of the study. The whole conversation was video recorded for transcription and further analysis of data. The subjects’ facial expressions and gestures were also noted. The results of this study were based on two resources, namely; “ecomap”, as supported by Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory and in-depth interview. The respondents were asked to draw the ecomap with the guidance of the researchers. The data were interpreted based on the guidelines. A semi-structured interview guideline was prepared prior to the interview. The statements were transcribed and analyzed using the grounded theory method. This study has found out that: (1) Family backgrounds affects the interpersonal relationships of negatively labeled students with peers and physics teacher; (2)Negativelylabeled students have a positive relationship toward their classmates and physics teacher except for those classmates who labeled them; (3) Negatively-labeled students experience a degraded self-esteem because of frequent humiliation and ridicule by their classmates in a physics class; (4) Dealing with labeling depends upon the personal outlook of the affected individual. Dealing with labelling depends upon the outlook of an individual. It was also found out that students were negatively- labelled because of their personal attitudes, behaviour inside the classroom, personal issues or conflicts with their peers and academic performance. In the context of this study, the following themes emerged: Negatively labelled students experienced a degraded self-esteem because of frequent humiliation and ridicule by their classmates in a physics class, but dealing with labeling depends upon the personal outlook of the affected individual.