Formation of the Tourist Attractiveness of the Territory: Key Factors and Limitations

  • Olga V. Rogach et al.


The article introduces a new interpretation of the concept “tourist attractiveness” as a number
of specific features of a territory that allows a tourist to form a special emotional involvement and
aesthetical satisfaction from a trip. There is provided a new approach to the analysis of the formation
factors of the tourist attractiveness of the territory with a shift of a nowadays dominating accent from
the economic approach to customization of impressions. The main conclusions of the undertaken
research determine the factors for the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory (valuerational, psycho-emotional and aesthetic motives) from the position of a tourist's subjective perception
of the territory character traits that form positive impressions. The limits in the formation of the tourist
attractiveness of the territory are being determined: typical appearance of mass development,
undeveloped infrastructure, the absence of well-maintained natural tourist routes.
