Changed Purcahsing Behavior Of Indian Consumers On Green Products After Covid Pandemic

  • S. Rengalakshmi, Dr.K.Ravindran,


“Prevention is better than cure” is a proverb that tells it is must to take the safety measures against any crisis whether it is disease or financial issues. But it is more suitable for dreadful disease. Due to this pandemic context people are becoming more health conscious and aware of surroundings. Social distancing, Hygiene, Sanitization are the repeated terms we heard of. This study explores how these factors affect the purchasing behavior of Indian consumers towards green products. Although this green marketing concept is bit known to our country, still rural areas remain unaware of this. In this study buying behavior of consumers on sustainable products before and post covid has been discussed. This study reveals most of the consumers are come to know the green products through internet. And they are well known about the green products. Mainly this study focuses on how green purchasing factors affects the purchasing pattern among gender. After this pandemic consumers are more willing to spend more to green products considering their merits and long lasting features.
