E-Commerce Industry: Before and After the Covid-19 Lockdown

  • Dr. Vikas Kumar, Katta Karthik, Pilladi Jaya Harish, Nagasai Krishna Anupoju


E-commerce or the electronic commerce is a kind of artificial platform for selling, buying and then delivering the products to the customers through the medium of internet. This paper mainly focusses on the change in e-commerce in India before and after the pandemic. E-commerce is one of the fastest growing sectors in India with huge market potential for companies to invest into India. We have seen so much of investments in e-commerce sector in the past years and can experience more and more in near future. Due to the rapid growth in the use of internet and the lockdown situation in India, there has been a tremendous growth in the e-commerce sector. This is a literature review based on “E-commerce in India before and after Pandemic”.
