The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance in the Department of Education and Culture Tangerang District

  • Erialdy , Sutarman, Agus Iwan Mulyanto, Suhanda


Work discipline is the awareness of workers in obeying written and unwritten company regulations, receiving sanctions if they violate company regulations. The research objective wants to know (1). Work discipline has a simultaneous effect on employee performance. (2). to find out that discipline has a partial effect on employee performance. (3). To find out whether positive discipline has a partial effect on employee performance. (4). to find out that progressive discipline has a partial effect on employee performance. The method used is multiple regression analysis which is used to determine the effect of changes in one variable to other variables with the Ordinary Least Square technique. The population in this study were all employees of the Office of Education and culture in Tangerang Regency and the sample was 132 people with saturated sampling technique. The conclusions of the research results have been shown to be significant. (1). Preventive discipline, positive discipline, and progressive discipline jointly influence employee performance. (2). Preventive discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (3). Positive discipline has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. (4). Progressive discipline has a negative effect on employee performance. The implications for preventive discipline, positive discipline and progressive discipline have an important role to play individually and collectively in improving employee performance in the organization. Work discipline is very important for employee performance, with high discipline, employee performance will increase.
