Comparison of Teaching Competency of Government and Private Primary School Teachers in Haryana

  • Sunny Bansal , Dr. Sachita Yadav, Dr.Sanjay Shrivastava , Dr. Bishan Singh Nagi


This study is an empirical one. The data pertaining to teaching competency was collected from 157 government and 200 private primary school teachers with the help of a measuring scale to measure the competencies. The scale was prepared by the researcher, and it consists of 46 statements. Cronbach Alpha Reliability test was applied and the calculated degree of reliability came to .965. The Principal Components Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation was applied and five factors/dimensions were extracted. The five dimensions are:

  1. Student Centric and Responsibility Taking Competency,
  2. Academic and Managerial Leadership Competency,
  3. Creative and Innovative Competency,
  4. Research Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer Competency, and
  5. Curriculum Centric Competency.

The Overall Teaching Competency was also calculated by adding all the five types of teaching competencies. The results of t-test of two independent samples indicate that each teaching competency and overall competency of teacher respondents of government and private primary schools are almost the same, except Research Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer Competency‟ where the competency of teacher respondents of government schools is better as compared to teachers of private schools, and the difference between the two groups is statistically significant. So the comparative study shows that almost all the competencies of government and private schools teachers are the same except one competency.
