Integrating Constructive Deviant Behaviors: A Systematic Review

  • Lalarukh Shabbir, Dr. Muhammad Hassan


 Positive organizational studies (POS) movement attracts the attention of researchers towards studying positive work behaviors. According to Cameron & Quinn (2003) POS is concerned with the positive behaviors or attitudes within the organizations. Traditionally, deviance is defined as an intentional rules and norms breaking behavior having the harmful impact on the wellbeing of the organization or its employees. Researchers broadened the definition of deviance into positive aspect includes behaviors in which employee violate the rules and norms of organization in order to facilitate the organization. Later researchers called this norm violating behavior as “constructive deviance”. The present study focuses on studying the constructive deviant behaviors, its various antecedents, the mediating mechanisms, moderators and theories which facilitate constructive deviant behaviors. In this systematic review the term constructive deviance considers different behavior like whistle blowing, pro social behavior, taking charge, extra-role and expressing voice.  This study provides synthesize data in order to understand the individual level and organizational level variables that creates constructive deviant behaviors among employees, and will increase the body of work related to constructive deviance. This study includes 109 research articles from different journals.
