The Political Decisions Changed the Pakistan

  • Liaquat Ali Chandio, Zaheer Hussain Soomro


“Since after inception, Pakistan has struggled to come out as a single Nation in International Community to protect sovereign interests. The Political Decisions taken by the stakeholders have been proved the nightmare for the people of Pakistan. Such decisions have not only damaged the cause of Pakistan’s existence but also the future of upcoming generations.  On the other side, some decisions are somehow acknowledged to be praised. This paper will find out the nature of decision making of Pakistan and differentiate the decisions according their impacts over people of Pakistan. Some decisions have negatively influenced the country as far as ideology is concerned such as game of toppling of governments, indulging into cold war, inventions of interest based doctrines, martial laws, abrogation of constitutions and other unsuited impositions systems that have caused huge devastation. The decisions taken by stakeholders have protected the national interests of country, like making of constitution 1973, nuclear tests, and amendments that can protect the legal authority of provinces. Throughout the history Pakistan has struggled to survive in this world of globalization as far as attaining of people’s interests.  Feudal system, corrupt bureaucrats, institutional clashes has created political decision making a self-center rather than influenced the mass negatively. Only the good governance and national centered decision making can fill this gape of instability in country”.
