• Ms.Nashara Khan.H


As per the growing needs of the world there is very much need to do research on the topic of Green HRM. Now a days as we see many things happening around us like Huge environmental Pollution happened in Delhi on November 2019, which was in news and we can see the global warming effects and damages caused to human health as well.

When we talk about GREEN HRM= GREEN+HRM (HRM:- human resource management + GREEN:-Environmental friendly)As per the present scenario it is the duty of hr people to practice green hrm starting from communication to employee recruitment and induction and all other policies should be framed accordingly. GREENHRM is also called as Sustainable HRM

My paper is purely based on the analysis of the literature available from different sources. The  paper tells us how to be environmental friendly at the same time to carry out all our HR policies and practices with  out any hurdle. Where we can do our part in sustaining the environment for the future generations health and prosperity.
