Frictionless Energy Generation Using Flywheel

  • Kunal.U. Shinde, Aniket Satpute, Kaiwalya Zanker, Sanjay Verma, Tushar Mahale


The production and application of energy are vital to the economies of all countries and it is needed for many activities such as: lighting and phone charging and driving the bike and lot of other stuff. Energy which is conventionally produced by non-renewable sources such as petrol, Kerosene and nuclear which unfortunately create pollution; this is the main reason the idea of producing energy using a bike or Cycle Tyre. In current scenario cycling competitions, as well as  for gym purpose throughout the year. We could Generates sufficient energy to charge small and large devices. By use of conventional tools the problem arises is that, for utilization of required amount of energy we need to take the aid of physical contact with rotating element like some generating mechanism or generator to overcome this problem we are developing energy using flywheel
