The Role Of Organizational Culture And Leadership In Advancing Organizational Commitment And Its Effect On Employee Performance Transport Cooperative Partners Of The Denpasar People

  • Kadek Agus Prayogi, I Nengah Suardhika, I Ketut Setia Sapta


Employee performance is an action taken by employees in carrying out the work given by the company. Every company always expects its employees to have achievements, because having high-performing employees will contribute optimally to the company. In addition, by having high-performing employees the company can improve the company's performance. The research objective is to explain and analyze the influence of the role of organizational culture on employee performance at the Mitra Rakyat Denpasar Cooperative. To explain and analyze the influence of leadership on performance at the Mitra Rakyat Denpasar Cooperative. To explain and analyze the role of organizational culture in advancing organizational commitment to the Denpasar People's Partner Cooperative. To explain and analyze leadership advancing organizational commitment at the Denpasar People's Partnership Cooperative. To explain and analyze the effect of organizational commitment on the performance of organizational commitment at the Denpasar People's Partnership Cooperative. The number of samples in this study were 53 respondents, determining the sample by population or census methods. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis show that the role of organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, this means that the better the role of organizational culture that is carried out at the Denpasar People's Partnership for Transport, the better the organizational commitment. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, this means that the better the leadership implementation is implemented in the company, it will increase organizational commitment in the company. The role of organizational culture has a positive effect on employee performance, this means that the better the role of organizational culture in the company, it will improve employee performance. Leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, this means that the better the leadership implementation in the company will be Upgrade employee performance.
