Neuromarketing with Subliminal Messages; Provoking Intention without consent

  • Hamid Mahmood, Dr. Zainudin Awang , Dr. Irfan Sabir , Dr. Muhammad Abdullah, Muhammad Aftab, Ayesha Nawal, Muhammad Bilal Majid


No doubt, subliminal message has catapultic effect on consumer’s mind.  To understand the neuromarketing terminology with behavioural incorporation is the main purpose of this research. Numerous research Eras has departed to forming or eradicating the dilemma of subliminal messages but still contradictory among consumer’s and marketers. In particular, this paper identifies 1) how subliminal messages trigger consumer’s intention toward purchase; 2) how self-regulation mediates the relationship among subliminal messages and level of offensiveness; and 3) how level of offensiveness mediate the relationship between self-regulation and purchase intention. The respondents (N =550) were students of both public sector universities (UniSZA & UMT) in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. This paper contributes to examine the subliminal messages tactics in the perspective of neuromarketing. The findings reveal a positive effect of subliminal messages on consumer’s purchase intention. This paper also found that consumer’s levels of offensiveness were minimized with the support of self-regulation.
