Customer Perceived Value to Build Intention to Return to Agro-tourism in Bali Study of the Covid Era 2020

  • Dewa Ayu Agung Putri Ratnasari . Nengah Landra, I Gst Agung Eka Teja Kusuma , Anak Agung Putu Agung


This paper reveals promotional weaknesses and service quality ignores perceived value to build return-visit intentions. This research is motivated by the desire to measure the importance of promotion and service quality in creating perceived value in order to build intention to return to visit. Insights from various literatures provide an explanation that promotion and service quality can build value with customers for long-term business continuity. The important idea is that the promotion and quality of services that have been designed in the context of the agro-tourism business is meaningless if it is unable to provide the perceived value of the customer so that it is able to compete to increase the intention to visit again. This study used customer data in an agro-tourism in Bali. This type of quantitative research uses an existing measurement scale with a PLS-based SEM analysis tool. The Covid 19 situation has provided new insights into the context of agro-tourism. Although promotion is able to increase customer perception about value, it will not be able to stimulate intention to come. Service quality is able to stimulate intention to come, but unable to build value because customers think the sacrifices made to come are still greater than the benefits they feel. This finding means that no matter how great the promotion and service quality is to build value in the Covid-19 situation, but the value created in the minds of customers is very difficult to build the intention to come Contribution: promotion and service quality built on agro-tourism is led to the creation of greater value for increase and win the competition in increasing return visits.
