A Market Intelligence Study on Indian Enterprises Financial Performance & Stock Exchange Price Data Analysis under ‘Covid-19’ Pandemic Market Situations

  • Mr. Nagarajan Muthukrishnan


Corona Virus had made an impact on global economy in recent days. Investors and their investments are getting impacted around the globe. However, there is a certain impact and the recovery has been started soon as the market price falls. This Paper mainly study the impact on share price from Normal scenario to new normal ‘COVID 19’ Pandemic situation. Peer Industries share price & relations are compared through graphical visuals. Sales and Profits are being analysed from Quarterly results disclosed publicly by the firms. Public disclosed data are considered for further detailed study to reveal the real aspects on share market price versus profit earnings of the firms. The main purpose to identify which firm performs better amid COVID situation with its working capital, expenditures, sales and net profit. Peer firm ranging Highest Share price firms, Moderate & Low share price firm has been analysed to identify their prominent and prudent performance to test the market outlook and market intelligence of the investors through stock price trend. Quarterly results of 106 Companies under various sector with each 4 Similar type of firms where compared to derive the opinions based on shown results. Investors should invest based on the Market intelligence to revive the returns on investments. Finance Institution, banking sector, Fast Moving Consumer goods, Food Products and processing industry, Fertilizers and Agricultural product sector has less impact during COVID pandemic; IT Sector, cement, Plastic, Power sector, Media & telecommunication has moderate impact; Automobile, Rubber, Steel and Electrical machineries has high impact during pandemic period. However, the spike on stock prices has envisaged after unlocking imposed lockdown consistently. The result shows a positive sign for rapid recovery on the next quarter results for ramp up the impacts of lockdown and proactive improvement on Indian economy expected by investors in upcoming months of 2020-2021 fiscal year.
