Mindset And Culture Difference In Eastern And Western Societies In Gender And Feminism

  • Dr. Muhsin YILMAZÇOBAN


The study examines the concepts and ideologies of gender and feminism based on the differences in mentality and culture found in the basic structures of Eastern and Western societies.

The mentality and cultural structures of Eastern and Western societies are quite different from each other. Therefore, gender and feminism have different content understandings and different implementations of these different understandings in two different social structures. In the study, a general sociological and socio-psychological analysis was conducted taking into account the “individualist” characteristics of Western society and the “Integrative” characteristics of Eastern Islamic Society. As a result of this authentic analysis, it is revealed that gender equality and feminist ideology negatively affect, although different in degree and nature, respective mindset and cultural worlds of two different social structures.

The solution that should be of real importance in the field of sex and gender should not be produced from feminist and sexist theories. Moreover, the analysis of these theories made with the discriminatory, competitive, egalitarian style, and manner should be avoided. The most important thing is to ensure that the East and the West meet in “common human values”, which constitute the common point of two different social structures, by remembering their ancient values again and through new arrangements. To get rid of mind and culture influences contrary to human psychology and sociology discriminating and antagonizing sex against sex; family against family; society against society by moving away from the bad elements and influences of Feminist, Modernist, Capitalist, and Liberal ideologies. Thus, men and women, as two different sexes, will not engage psychologically in emotion struggle and war, and will not be exploited by co-existing within the capital market.  

Eastern Islamic societies will be more exemplified in Turkish society and Turkey, while Western societies will be examined, rather, by considering continental European countries.
