Popularity of Bollywood Romantic Genre among Youth

  • Savita, Dr Namarta Joshi


Romance remain Bollywood all time favourite genre and has its popularity in India and across the globe. Romantic Genre works like a magic on Box office that its involvement is enough to make the film hit. The most repeatable genre that every Bollywood Film has dealing to popularize is appearance of a hero and heroine in love. The projection of romantic track become priority no matters whether the film belongs to action, comic, horror or suspense-based theme. Romantic genre introduces the idea of escapism and entertainment among the real life of its viewers by fantasizing dreamy world. Romantic Genre of Bollywood teaches how to behave and proceed in love relationship. Youth take these films as supporting guidelines by imitating themselves in particular character of film having popularity or similarity to their life. Usage of romantic dialogue, songs and romantic cultural trends like Celebrating Valentine day, love dates are also becoming common trend among youth. This study is therefore timely a need to investigate popularity of Bollywood romantic genre films on youth. Bollywood is the mirror of the society and a medium of social change. Youth is the segment which is highly influenced and idealized popular romantic narrative the most. The survey would be conducted among the target audience to explore the popularity and impact of romantic genre on youth. The study aims at presenting qualitative results to acknowledge the findings. 
