Towards Description of Problems faced by Pakistani EFL Learners

  • Shamim Akhter, . Dr. Nur Rasyidah Mohd Nordin


 Undoubtedly, the English language has become the universal language. We can come across the people who speak and interpret English everywhere in the world.  The English language is a common language of the world.  Language is a tool used to communicate with others. People find it almost impossible to discuss their thoughts and ideas with other people without using language. Owing to the importance of English in this era, no one can deny its authoritative place in the process of communication.  As a foreign language, it is inevitable and inseparable in Pakistan. It holds a significant place in Pakistan. It is a means of education at advanced level and it is taught in Pakistan as a compulsory subject. For the acquisition of foreign language, physical, intellectual, and emotional engagement is required to convey and understand the linguistics ideas skillfully (Banu,2017). The undertaken research reveals the problems confronted by Pakistani EFL Learners in the process of acquiring the knowledge of English in Pakistan. This   descriptive study reveals the issues that Pakistani learners encounter in the process of acquiring English language. There are numerous hindrances in acquiring the English language.  The conducted research will explore all possible factors and difficulties which are faced by Pakistani EFL Learners for acquiring the knowledge   of EFL.
