Impact Of Family Environment On The Job Involvement Of Teaching Professionals



In organisational behaviour literature the term ‘Job Involvement’ is a more recent addition and is considered as an important variable. It has been assumed by organisational behaviour researchers that individuals who express high involvement in their jobs are likely to perform much better than employees with low involvement in their jobs. Job involvement has been widely studied by management professionals, organizational and industrial psychologists with special reference to employee's job satisfaction, morale, participation and performance. The family is the oldest and the most important of all the institutions that man has devised to regulate and integrate his behaviour as he strives to satisfy his basic needs. Therefore, it would emerge that not only the social and physical well-being of the individual is taken care of by the family, but the psychological well-being as well. Family environment is the first to affect an individual. The influence of the family environment on every one is, therefore, immense. In this connection, the authors of this paper made a doctoral research to examine the impact of various influencing factors namely ‘Family Environment’, Emotional Maturity’, and  ‘Organisational Climate’ on the job involvement of teaching professionals. This paper is the outcome of that research with respect to only one variable ‘Family Environment’ and its impact on the job involvement of the teaching professionals. The results  of the study have been discussed in this paper.
