A Study On Estimation Of Financial Losses In World Economy After Lock Down

  • Harika.putta,PhaniKumar.Katuri, K. VijayaGowri,R. SrinivasaRao


Speaking broadly, the effect of a lockdown is to essentially slow or even stop the “pulse” of a city or region. If people cannot leave their homes, that means they cannot go to work, go shopping at brickand-mortar stores, visit family and friends or do anything else that requires going out of doors. The
effects of such a decision are far-reaching, and include second and third order consequences. But for right now, let’s just worry about the primary effects. As clarified above, this is a good thing for the government’s interests if they want to keep people from gathering for any reason whatsoever. It can
certainly ease the passage of their vehicles and their agents around town, and it also makes it much easier to spot anybody “not on the team” on the sidewalk, on the roads or anywhere else. Lockdowns cause all kinds of practical problems for preppers. If they are very short duration they are little more than inconveniences or annoyances. But the longer they drag on, the bigger and bigger problem that they become. If a lockdown is going to drag on for weeks, or even months with strict travel limitations, you might run low on supplies, and pretty soon your case of Cabin Fever can turn into a choice between risking arrest or even violence, and doing without critical supplies. Beyond the immediate problems of provision and essentially being under house arrest, lockdowns are never, ever kind to the local economy. Lockdowns of any length, especially ones that shut down non-essential businesses and services, will cost municipalities’ untold fortunes in lost revenues
