An Investigation on the Level of Awareness and Knowledge among Public towards COVID 19 in Tamil Nadu

  • Dr. M. Meenakshi Saratha et al.


A novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness
that originated in Wuhan, China, and which has spread to several other countries around the world. The
intensity of the disease is spreading across different countries. In this period, there is a research need to
find out the awareness of the Coronavirus distheease, said as Covid 19. Hence the researcher has made
an attempt to study about the level of awareness among the public, knowledge and precautionary steps
taken against Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu. In this study the researcher used online Google form survey
method to reach the respondents and percentage analysis is used to know the awareness level of
respondents. The result of the study reveals that the public has got good awareness and knowledge about
the covid 19
