A Wide-Ranging View of Face Emotion Recognition System

  • Preet Navdeep, Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Dr. Manish Arora


Facial expressions contribute in revealing the emotional state of an individual. For an effective communication, facial expressions act as vital means of unveiling intentions and emotions to others. The system has an immense popularity in the area of fraud detection, health care and gaming. Although, many techniques have been developed to recognize facial emotion, but still there exist challenges in applicability of facial expression detection system. In this paper, we present panoramic view of the existing approaches and methods for correctly recognizing the facial emotion of humans. Main Phases for carrying out facial emotion recognition process includes feature extraction and classification. Various types of emotions are studied in this paper.

How to Cite
Preet Navdeep, Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Dr. Manish Arora. (2020). A Wide-Ranging View of Face Emotion Recognition System . International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(02), 309 - 317. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJCA/article/view/8099