Interests and Obstacles to Publication of Articles in Reputable International Journals: Exploratory Studies of Doctoral Students at Private Universities in Jakarta

  • Otto Berman Sihite, Agus Purwanto, Leo Hutagalung, Rosma Indriana Purba, Anggaripeni Mustikasiwi, Juliana Liem, Masduki Asbari


The purpose of this research is to identify and investigate and explore opportunities, interests and obstacles of doctoral students in making publications in reputable international journals such as Scopus and Web of Science. This research uses a qualitative method namely explorative case study. Primary data collection using semi-structured interviews with respondents of 5 (five) doctoral program students at a Private University in Jakarta selected and determined using purposive sampling method. The results of this study indicate that doctoral student respondents have positive awareness and interest in publishing articles in reputable international journals with several main objectives, namely: to fulfill the doctoral program graduation requirements, so that the articles are cited by other authors, to increase competence, and to improve self reputation. However, student respondents also have some barriers to publishing in reputable international journals such as limited funds, limited time, difficulty in finding references, relatively long publication time, limited English language skills, limited ability to use software tools for paper examinations such as similiarity test and grammar test and the limitations of destinations of reputable international journals that will be place to publish the articles. The limitation of this study is the small number of samples, which are only five people and research subjects are only on doctoral program students at private universities in Jakarta and the results are not necessarily same if the research is carried out at the master or undergraduate level at other universities and elsewhere. This research can be a reference for further similar research at different levels of education, at different universities such as at state universities and elsewhere. For further research, it can be developed by quantitative methods with a larger sample size and a wider area for example across provinces or across countries.

How to Cite
Otto Berman Sihite, Agus Purwanto, Leo Hutagalung, Rosma Indriana Purba, Anggaripeni Mustikasiwi, Juliana Liem, Masduki Asbari. (2020). Interests and Obstacles to Publication of Articles in Reputable International Journals: Exploratory Studies of Doctoral Students at Private Universities in Jakarta. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(02), 176 - 184. Retrieved from