Dynamical Study of Quadrating harvesting of prey in a Predator-Prey Model following Modified Leslie-Gower type Predation and Crowley-Martin type Functional Response

  • Manpreet Kaur, Reenu Rani, Rachna Bhatia, G. N. Verma


In the present article, the local dynamics of a predator-prey system incorporating quadrating harvesting for prey is proposed and examined. The Crowley-Martin functional response is considered in the system whereas predator is supposedtobeofModifiedLeslie-Gowertype. Themodelisgovernedbysetoftwoordinarydifferentialequations. It hasbeeninvestigatedthatallthepossiblesolutionsoftheproposedmodelarealwayspositiveandboundeduniformly. The possible steady states of the model are obtained under some conditions where the system exhibits at most two non-zero positive interior steady states under certain conditions. The dynamics of all these positive steady states are investigated using Routh-Hurwitz Criteria. Optimal harvesting policy is investigated using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to prevent the biological species from extinction and to preserve a sustainable fishery system. To exemplify the analytical results, some numerical simulations are also executed for suitable choice of parameters.

How to Cite
Rachna Bhatia, G. N. Verma, M. K. R. R. (2019). Dynamical Study of Quadrating harvesting of prey in a Predator-Prey Model following Modified Leslie-Gower type Predation and Crowley-Martin type Functional Response. International Journal of Control and Automation, 12(5), 699-709. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJCA/article/view/5757