Up-to-Date Solution of the Resource Saving Problem - Use of Forestry Sector Waste in Composite Materials

  • Tamara N. Storodubtseva


Solving the problem of creating effective composite materials for special structures and products on the basis of widespread plant raw materials, as well as man-made origin raw materials, is an important economic task, that provides the reduction of the construction cost, increase of reliability, environmental improvement. The most important in the solution of designated problem is ensuring joint operation of components of different nature, such as polymer resins, fibre-glass, wood and others. Modern technologies of composite materials require accounting processes and events proceeding at phase boundaries which promote a radical change in properties of phase interface surfaces and, accordingly, the structure and properties of the composite as a whole.

How to Cite
Storodubtseva, T. N. (2020). Up-to-Date Solution of the Resource Saving Problem - Use of Forestry Sector Waste in Composite Materials. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(1), 250 - 258. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJCA/article/view/5139