Interpretable AI Models for Transparent Decision-Making in Complex Data Science Scenarios

  • Mohan Raparthi, Surendranadha Reddy Byrapu Reddy, Sarath Babu Dodda, Srihari Maruthi


Interpretable AI models have emerged as crucial tools for promoting transparent decision-making in complex data science scenarios. As artificial intelligence continues to permeate various industries, the need for models that can provide clear explanations for their decisions has become increasingly apparent. This paper outlines the significance of interpretability in AI models and highlights the challenges posed by opaque systems in handling intricate data science scenarios. We discuss various approaches and techniques aimed at enhancing interpretability, including feature importance techniques, surrogate models, local explanations, and simplified models. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of transparent decision-making in critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice, where the consequences of AI-driven decisions can be profound. Through case studies and literature review, we elucidate the benefits and limitations of interpretable AI models and propose future research directions in this field. Our findings underscore the importance of interpretable AI models in fostering trust, accountability, and regulatory compliance, while also acknowledging the trade-offs between interpretability and performance. Overall, this paper provides insights into the role of interpretable AI models in enabling transparent decision-making and lays the groundwork for further advancements in this critical area of research.

How to Cite
Sarath Babu Dodda, Srihari Maruthi, M. R. S. R. B. R. (2020). Interpretable AI Models for Transparent Decision-Making in Complex Data Science Scenarios. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(4), 1572 - 1585.