Ethical Considerations in AI-Enabled Big Data Research: Balancing Innovation and Privacy.

  • Surendranadha Reddy Byrapu Reddy, Sarath Babu Dodda, Mohan Raparthi, Srihari Maruthi


The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data research has catalyzed unprecedented advancements across diverse sectors, revolutionizing the way data is analyzed, interpreted, and utilized. However, this rapid progress brings to the forefront a myriad of ethical considerations, particularly concerning privacy rights and individual autonomy. This paper delves into the intricate intersection of AI-enabled Big Data research and ethical considerations, aiming to strike a delicate balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding privacy. Ethical frameworks provide the foundational principles guiding researchers and practitioners in

maleficence, and justice underscore the importance of prioritizing societal welfare, minimizing potential harms, and ensuring equitable access and distribution of benefits. These frameworks serve as ethical compasses, guiding researchers towards responsible and ethical conduct throughout the research process. Privacy concerns loom large in AI-enabled Big Data research, fueled by the unprecedented scale, scope, and granularity of data being collected and analyzed. The identification, aggregation, and inference of sensitive information from vast datasets raise significant privacy risks, challenging traditional notions of privacy protection. Moreover, the opacity of AI algorithms and the lack of transparency in decision-making processes exacerbate privacy concerns, undermining individuals' ability to understand and control the use of their personal data. Regulatory approaches play a crucial role in addressing ethical concerns in AI-enabled Big Data research, providing a framework for legal compliance and accountability. Regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) impose obligations on organizations regarding data collection, processing, and consent, aiming to empower individuals with greater control over their personal data. However, regulatory frameworks must evolve in tandem with technological advancements and emerging ethical challenges, ensuring effective protection of privacy rights in the digital age. Emerging technologies offer promising solutions to mitigate ethical concerns in AI-enabled Big Data research while enabling innovation to flourish. Techniques such as differential privacy, federated learning, and explainable AI enhance privacy preservation, transparency, and interpretability of AI systems, fostering trust and accountability. By leveraging these technologies, researchers can uphold ethical principles while harnessing the transformative potential of AI and Big Data for societal benefit.

How to Cite
Surendranadha Reddy Byrapu Reddy, Sarath Babu Dodda, Mohan Raparthi, Srihari Maruthi. (2020). Ethical Considerations in AI-Enabled Big Data Research: Balancing Innovation and Privacy. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(03), 460 -470.