Japan As the Leader of Minimalistic Art

  • Kapil Chowdhury


The phrase shibumi, which can be translated from Japanese as either "subtle elegance" or "austerity/bitterness," captures the quiet grandeur that is typical of traditional Japanese building and decorating styles. Even though concepts originating in Japanese Zen Buddhism like ma, wabisabi, and iki are probably better known to English-speaking audiences, this paper suggests that shibumi is the more applicable principle to use when speaking of the minimalist character found in most Japanese design. Furthermore, this paper contends, contrary to prevalent belief, that shibumi and modern design tastes can compliment one another. This is supported by the fact that current Japanese design trends show no signs of abandoning the modernist ideals they originally adopted.

How to Cite
Chowdhury, K. (2018). Japan As the Leader of Minimalistic Art. International Journal of Control and Automation, 11(2), 210-220. https://doi.org/10.52783/ijca.v11i2.38251