Gender Sensitization at School Level

  • Shipra Joshi


A man and a woman are like two bicycle wheels. In order for a culture to progress, it must address the needs of both men and women. Social theorists and activists have used the term "gender sensitization" to describe their efforts to raise public understanding of gender inequality. For revolutionary change to occur in society, gender sensitization—the process of raising awareness about gender issues and encouraging people to change their own attitudes and behaviors in response to them—is essential. The capacity of education to effect social transformation has long been recognized. Teachers may have a significant impact on their pupils' perspectives on gender problems. Eliminating destructive thoughts about things, people, actions, and concepts is essential to developing a more constructive outlook. It's because of fixed ideas and prejudices people have carried with them from infancy. A teacher's belief on gender may have a profound effect on her pupils' worldviews. Only until young people are sensitized to issues of gender equality can there be a true revolution or empowerment. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of educators on students' development of positive feelings and long-term dedication to fostering a gender-sensitive learning environment.

How to Cite
Joshi, S. (2018). Gender Sensitization at School Level. International Journal of Control and Automation, 11(1), 165-173.