Inroads into Social Media Based on Mass Communication Theory and Practice

  • Sandeep Bhatt


With the emergence of technology and the subsequent quick expansion in reach around the globe, social media has become a phenomenon. It is now widely used in practically all facets of business, marketing, and communication. Indian media has undergone a radical transformation since globalisation, adapting rapidly to fit the new global landscape. The delivery of news, as well as marketing and advertising, have all included social media into their practises in recent years. Journalism and news outlets have been transformed, and will continue to be so, as a result of the rise of social media. The significance of social media as a potent instrument has long since been acknowledged within the Indian media business. As a result, the Indian media has effectively used the digital revolution and social media technologies to reach a larger audience. The business methods have been modernised and broadened thanks to the widespread use of social media as a tool for marketing, information dissemination, and user-generated content distribution. Using the Indian media industry as a case study, this research investigates the impact, development, and difficulties of digital and social media.

How to Cite
Bhatt, S. (2018). Inroads into Social Media Based on Mass Communication Theory and Practice. International Journal of Control and Automation, 11(1), 108 - 117.