Artificial Intelligence in Architecture and its Impact on Design Creativity

  • Vikas Nautiyal


This research investigates the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on inventiveness in the context of the design process. In order to learn how AI affects designers' ability to think beyond the box, we'll look at how it's being used now and where it's most wanted to be used in Sweden's AEC industry. The Paper adds to our knowledge of how AI and other forms of cutting-edge technology might influence inventiveness in the design process. It analyzed the present structure of the creative process and predicted how AI might alter that structure. It discusses the potential uses of artificial intelligence in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry and how that can impact the design process in the future. Future advancements in architecture and the globe are possible because to AI's ability to improve design outcomes, speed up the design process, and provide suitable solutions.

How to Cite
Nautiyal, V. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Architecture and its Impact on Design Creativity. International Journal of Control and Automation, 11(3), 182-188.