Factors that Influence the Net Benefits of Big Data Adoption within Government Agencies in the UAE
Big Data is a combination of architectures and innovative technologies designed tocapture value and vital information from huge volumes of data in different variety,resulting in data analysis and high velocity capture. Contrasting between traditional andbig data. The main objective of the current study is to examine the technology factors thatimpact the net benefits of big data within government agencies in the UAE. In this studywe used Probability random sampling gives the researchers the chance to choose equallyfrom the sample frame, the data results were assessed and analysed 407 respondents after12 cases were deleted. This study employed Structural Equation Modeling-Variance Based(SEM-VB) via SMART PLS 3.0 software was utilized to determine the importance levels ofassociations and interactions between the factors tested. Results of the current studyrevealed that PU, PEOU, and SI has significant direct positive impact on the ATT, moreover ATT has a significant direct impact on the NB. The proposed model evidenced by thegoodness of fit of the model to the data and explained 67 % of the variance in attitudetoward using big data. The results of the current study might give further insights intoorganizational performance.