The Effect of Online Gamification of Tutoring to Improve Student’s Achievement
The world has entered the era of revolution 4.0 which in that era underwent many changes in all fields. In Indonesia, this revolution occurred in many fields of retail and education. In this article we will show about changes in the field of education, changes that occur in the world of education are so significant with the abandonment of teaching methods that still use conventional methods.
Online tutoring application has been widely used in Indonesia because the application and gamification framework in the application makes learners more motivated and enjoy the learning process. The method promoted by this application promotes the learning process with video, interactive assignments to live face-to-face with the teacher so that it will greatly help students who are left behind in class. In terms of time it is also very beneficial because learning from home does not need to waste time coming to the place of the course.
The gamification learning method was created to follow the era when students preferred to play games rather than learning, therefore the gamification method could be applied to educational management at a higher level of education. This method can increase student interest in learning so that it motivates to explore abilities in the learning process. The results of this article will present the effects of online gamification of tutoring can improve learner achievement.