Public Perception And Purchase Intentions About Electric Vehicles In The Punjab State Of India

  • Jashandeep Singh and Ramandeep Singh Arneja


To combat the problem like global warming caused due to emission of carbon dioxide, the government has decided to go all-electric vehicles (EVs) on road by the year 2030. Even though EVs are in the market for the last five years, still it has not been able to attract sufficient customers. The study attempts to assess the public perception about EVs and its impact upon purchase intentions of respondents. The data was collected from 438 participants from the state of Punjab, India. Results reveal four determinants of perception namely, perceived quality, expected benefits, perceived difficulty, and perceived value. All these determinants were found to have a significant impact on EV purchase intention. The study also discusses the demographical differences among the respondents for perception about EVs.

How to Cite
Jashandeep Singh and Ramandeep Singh Arneja. (2020). Public Perception And Purchase Intentions About Electric Vehicles In The Punjab State Of India. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(03), 251-259. Retrieved from