Determining Properties of Waste by Statistical Methods in EXCEL

  • Anatoliy A. Fayustov, Ekaterina Yu. Kamchatova


Various methods for wasteutilizationhave beendevelopedand partially implemented in many industries [1–9]. However, the volume of processed waste is only a fraction of the total volume of generated waste, and the efficiency of wasteutilizationis still rather small. One of the factors hindering the development of waste management is the extreme lack of information on the technical properties of waste, and without this knowledge it is hardly possible to create a reasonable process for waste recovery or recycling. Data on technical properties of wastethat waste producers have are often fragmented, indigested and unavailable for common use. Moreover, there is no any scientifically grounded approach to the problem of technical description of waste. The result of this is that waste, if used, is processedin the same way asvirgin raw materials, which is often completely unreasonable. Waste does not find use due to ignorance aboutits technical propertieswhereas, in contrast, many academic institutionsand research organizations study natural resources, the volumes of which are often comparable to the volumesof generated waste[10, 11]. Obviously, waste utilization in the industrial production of secondary raw materials (SRM) should be prioritized over the use of natural resources for economic and the environmental reasons [12, 13].

How to Cite
Anatoliy A. Fayustov, Ekaterina Yu. Kamchatova. (2020). Determining Properties of Waste by Statistical Methods in EXCEL. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(4), 1019 - 1032. Retrieved from