Reviewing the Inherent Limitations of the Adaptive Route Yielding Algorithm and its Relevance to deployment in IPv6 domains

  • Aniket Deshpande
  • Dr Azad Kumar Shrivastava


Feedback-based adaptive speedy transmission control protocol, end to end methods, adaptive back-off method, feedback scheme, and TCP-DOOR are the basic approaches that are used to enhance TCP performance over Ad Hoc Networks as de. Based on their analysis, it has been suggested that the combination of Feedback Scheme and ABRA in tandem with HS-TCP usually provides for the most optimal performance in Ad-Hoc Networks. This works looks into the limitations and constraints in the Adaptive Route Yielding Algorithm that is based on Feedback-based Adaptive Speedy TCP in real world scenarios and the feasibility of adopting this algorithm for IPv6.

How to Cite
Deshpande, A., & Shrivastava, D. A. K. (2019). Reviewing the Inherent Limitations of the Adaptive Route Yielding Algorithm and its Relevance to deployment in IPv6 domains. International Journal of Control and Automation, 12, 58 - 64. Retrieved from