Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Employees on Banking Companies in Jakarta

  • Kasbuntoro, Dasih Irma, Sari Maemunah, Imam Mahfud, Mochammad Fahlevi, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti


Work-life balance is the balance of life in work. from each individual. This balance in work is an important factor that can support increased job satisfaction with a job. In order to maintain the quality and commitment of the employees who are required to achieve the targets given, in general, many companies are currently implementing Work-Life Balance programs. The research provides information to us Work-Life Balance Variables with Job Satisfaction has positive and strong at 50.7%. The increase in the Work-Life Balance variable will be responded to with an increase also in Job Satisfaction and work-life balance has a positive and significant effect with F value 6,499 and sig value of 0,000 towards job satisfaction in the bank industry in Jakarta.

How to Cite
Kasbuntoro, Dasih Irma, Sari Maemunah, Imam Mahfud, Mochammad Fahlevi, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti. (2020). Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of Employees on Banking Companies in Jakarta. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(4), 439 - 451. Retrieved from