Kinetic Laws of Methane Carbonate Conversion Reaction

  • N.I.Fayzullayev., T.B.Shoymardanov., D.M. Begimqulova, D.R.Hamidov., Kh.B. Rakhmatov


            A catalyst with high catalytic activity was created for the methane carbonate conversion reaction.  Various factors CO2:CH4 ratio, temperature, starting volumetric velocities and other factors, target product yield, process conversion and selectivity, as well as the effect of different promoters on the catalyst activity were studied in the presence of the selected catalyst).  optimal conditions were selected: CO2: CH4 = 1.5, T = 8200C, Vmethane = 1000 h-1. Based on the obtained results, the mechanism of the process was proposed.

How to Cite
N.I.Fayzullayev., T.B.Shoymardanov., D.M. Begimqulova, D.R.Hamidov., Kh.B. Rakhmatov. (2020). Kinetic Laws of Methane Carbonate Conversion Reaction. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(4), 268 - 276. Retrieved from