Analysis of Airline Connectivity System using Graph Theory

  • Mukkamala S N V Jitendra, Shanmuk Srinivas Amiripalli, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Kollu, P Ramaiah Chowdary, R Venkata Rao


In the recent era, analytics plays a vital role in understanding and improving profits of many businesses. Now a day’s different analytic models available in the market. Some of them are descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, big data analytics, and mathematical analyticsetc. The powerful and simple Graph theory based analytic models was used in this paper. Two different airline systems are selected and applied Graph analytics. In the initial process, spice Jet and Vistara datasets are converted into graphs Spice Jet and Vistara. Graph analytics were applied to the above graphs and found that one i.e., Vistara is weakly connected over spice Jet. An incremental model was proposed to increase the connectivity of Vistara so that the performance will be increased. So that Vistara can increase the business by adding trips in an incremental order from one trip to 15 trips. Finally, we compared the above airline companies with the proposed model generated results and it was observed that the proposed model is giving a feasible solution to Vistara airlines by adding trips in incremental order.

How to Cite
Mukkamala S N V Jitendra, Shanmuk Srinivas Amiripalli, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Kollu, P Ramaiah Chowdary, R Venkata Rao. (2020). Analysis of Airline Connectivity System using Graph Theory. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(4), 77 - 84. Retrieved from