This paper is related to smart classroom technology by considering the needs of rural area students and their overall integration using “Internet of Things” and “Think-Pair-Share”. This work focuses on increasing number of students attending schools and their interest in schools using modern technologies. The system includes database of questions given back at their lessons. First teacher will explain the concept and ask the thoughts provoking questions. Students will think on questions asked. Student pairs will be formed.Based on their learning ability, they will think and discuss with each other. Peers in pair will share their experiences and take the help of voice assistance to solve their exercise. Further teacher gives responsibility to students to come up with more challenging, advanced questions and answers with the help of each other and voice assistance. In this system, we have created a helping hand to teachers via mobile application. The app will be operated by teacher.Teacher will display his messages intended to students on common display. Messages to students may be comments on the questions asked by students, results of quizzes or important notice. Another facility offered via app on teacher’s mobile is integrated control over electrical appliances in the classroom (like fans, lamps). The implementation of such type of smart classroom system in primary and secondary education schools will have great impact on students. It will also enhance teaching and learning experience.