ICT Competency with Drill and Practice Method in Making Multimedia Visual Learning

  • Sri Watini, Mujiarto


This study aims to improve the ICT competencies of PAUD Teachers in making Audio-Visual Learning Media in the City of Bekasi by using the Drill & Practice Method. The subjects in this study were the teachers in the City of Bekasi, West Java, totaling 49 teachers. The research was conducted from September to December 2019. This research used the Classroom Management Research Method which has four stages, namely Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. The four stages are considered as one cycle. The research was carried out in 3 cycles. The results of the study obtained an increase from each cycle. This improvement is shown from the indicators of the achievement of ICT PAUD Teachers' competencies in making Learning Video Media. In the pre cycle of ICT competency, the average value was 4.67 with a percentage of 17.19%. In Cycle I an average value of 6.20 was obtained with a percentage of 22.82%, in Cycle II an average value of 7.65 was obtained with a percentage of 28.15% and in Cycle III an average value of 8.65 was obtained with a percentage of 31.83%. In conclusion, there is an increase in PAUD Teachers' ICT Competence through the Drill & Practice Method.  

How to Cite
Sri Watini, Mujiarto. (2020). ICT Competency with Drill and Practice Method in Making Multimedia Visual Learning. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(02), 889 - 893. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJCA/article/view/13144