Learning of Basic CNC Programming in Vocational High School (SMK) with Integrated Mach3mill Prototype Media

  • Mukhlis Setiyono, Muhammad Sayuti, Tri Kuat, Budi Santosa, and M Mujiarto


This research aims to: (1) Develop CNC learning media using Mach3Mill Prototype Integrated which is valid, practical and effective criteria to achieve basic competency in CNC subjects. (2) Analyze the effectiveness of the learning media Mach3Mill Prototype Integrated to increase learning motivation and achievement of basic competencies in CNC subjects. (3) Analyze the differences in the competencies of students who use video learning media compared to the competencies of students who use the learning media Mach3Mill Prototype Integrated. This research is a research and development (R&D) using the product effectiveness testing method [1]. Data was collected using a validated questionnaire. The results showed that the CNC learning media using Mach3Mill Prototype Integratedwas valid, practical and effective. Result data Pre-test (before using the media Mach3Mill Prototype Integrated) 68.8 and result data post-test (after the use of the media Mach3Mill Prototype Integrated) 78.2. There was a significant increase in learning outcomes for students who were taught using the media Mach3Mill Prototype which was Integrated proven with a value of Zhitung (949,000) greater than the price of Ztable (1.96).

How to Cite
Mukhlis Setiyono, Muhammad Sayuti, Tri Kuat, Budi Santosa, and M Mujiarto. (2020). Learning of Basic CNC Programming in Vocational High School (SMK) with Integrated Mach3mill Prototype Media. International Journal of Control and Automation, 13(03), 32 - 36. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJCA/article/view/12655