The Binding Stress in the Profession of Junior Level Officers like JCs and NJCs in Military Intelligence of India

  • Dr. S.S. Nirmala et al.


The current study focused on the stress in their profession especially Junior level officers of Indian
Military Intelligence. In this study, there are 184 samples of Military Intelligence officers are taken.
Primary data is collected through a structured questionnaire. and measured through 5 point Likert’s
scale. The statistical tools like KMO is used to measure the adequacy of sampling, internal consistency
is measured through Cronbach’s alpha, the null hypothes is tested through Bartlett sphericity and Matrix
of Correlation is used to arrive the expected results and statistical interpretations. The resultant values
from hypothesis clearly indicated that there is an existence stress in their profession of Indian Military
Intelligence depends upon their different level of cadres. The Indian Military authorities who can
originate their rigid rules, regulations, set of standard performance and make the lower cadres and
professions to bind, accept and adopt.

How to Cite
et al., D. S. N. (2020). The Binding Stress in the Profession of Junior Level Officers like JCs and NJCs in Military Intelligence of India. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3520 - 3529. Retrieved from