Artificial Intelligence Interventions and Human Resources in the New Millennium

  • Vipin C Nair et al.


The human resources function is undergoing a drastic redefinition. Changes in technology,
political affiliations, demographics, societal pressures have changed the human capital
definition in organizations. Newer technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning,
big data and business analytics have also impacted the human resource functions in
organizations. Organizations now realize that their employees are a key resource that contribute
to competitive advantage. This has changed the way human talent is acquired, groomed and
retained in organizations. Our paper discusses the importance of talent management in
organizations and how performance evaluations can be enhanced using Artificial Intelligence.
The proposed theoretical tool – TAAR (Talent Application Based Appreciation and Reward)
which has been developed with data collated from the industry. It is believed TAAR can be tailormade to fit any organization system. TAAR can revolutionize the performance evaluation system by
eliminating bias and rewarding employees based on competencies exhibited. AI can play a very
constructive role in the near future in HR systems.
Organizations that do not reinvent their current evaluation systems may find it difficult to
attract and retain the best talent.

How to Cite
et al., V. C. N. (2020). Artificial Intelligence Interventions and Human Resources in the New Millennium. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3357 - 3364. Retrieved from