Hybrıd Electrıc Vehıcles Applıcatıon Orıented Transformatıon Improvement

  • K.Vamshidhar, J.Suresh, R.Vidya Sagar


Different kinds of operation are carried in vehicles. Storage of energy is proposed here. Different forms of connections are given to improve efficiency of vehicles. The transformation made helps without load operation, control. A method transformed is shown here.

How to Cite
K.Vamshidhar, J.Suresh, R.Vidya Sagar. (2020). Hybrıd Electrıc Vehıcles Applıcatıon Orıented Transformatıon Improvement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 4726-4739. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25545