Impact of Employment generation and socio-economic development of men through SHGs in Salem district

  • Dr. Murugesan.D , Dr. A. Krishnan


Impact of Men Self Help Groups on members can be studied with reference to many factors such as employment generation and their well being. Economic development of the members has been measured through sales, profit, earnings, savings, expenses and purchasing power before and after starting Men SHGs. Employment generation and factors relating to employment generation, self-confidence, improvement of family, socio-economic development and improvement of business have been measured. Some efforts made by the Government and NGO’s particularly in Salem district to form 310 Men Self Help Groups with 4597 members through Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project (VKP). They themselves could be generating employment after joining Self Help Groups.

How to Cite
Dr. Murugesan.D , Dr. A. Krishnan. (2020). Impact of Employment generation and socio-economic development of men through SHGs in Salem district. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 3860 - 3869. Retrieved from