A Mathematical study of Enterohepatic Circulation of Drugs with Time Delay in Two Compartment Model

  • Avinash.H, Lakshmi Naryan. K


A study is projected to explain the pharmacokinetics of drug with oral administration focused to enterohepatic circulation with time delay. An analytic solution is obtained for a model to be considered as a scheme of two non-linear differential equations using Laplace Transforms. The plasma level profiles are obtained by the computer simulation which is leading to rebound and secondary peaks.

How to Cite
Avinash.H, Lakshmi Naryan. K. (2020). A Mathematical study of Enterohepatic Circulation of Drugs with Time Delay in Two Compartment Model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 3517 - 3522. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/16936