Descriptive study to assess knowledge regarding common minor neonatal problems among postnatal mothers.

  • Mrs. Nitanjali Vaibhav Patil, Mrs. Sheetal A. Kadam, DR. Mahadeo Shinde


The Newborn period is included the first four weeks of extra uterine life. New born or neonate is from
birth to up to the four weeks of age that is less than 28 days of life, is called neonate or newborn.
Objectives-To assess the knowledge regarding common minor neonatal problems among postnatal
mothers. To find an association between knowledge score with selected socio demographic variables.
Material and methods -A descriptive research approach was used for the present study. Study setting was
postnatal ward of tertiary care hospital of Karad. Sample size was 100 postnatal mothers selected by
convenient sampling technique. The tool was prepared on the basis of the objectives of the study. Sociodemographic variables of the post natal mothers and structured knowledge questionnaire was used to
collect required data. Data collected after written permission from the concerned authority for
conducting research study. Written informed content was obtained from the study participant. Collected
data was analyzed in the term of objectives for the study using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Results of the present study shows majority of sample 60% were from 18-25years, maximum
58% were from rural area, 100% of mothers were married, 69% were Hindu by religion, 80% were from
joint family, maximum 58% were educated below secondary education. Maximum 72% of mothers were
house maker , and 38% of mothers having their monthly income Rs.5,000-10,000. Out of 100 postnatal
mothers only 4% having good knowledge score, 44% having average knowledge score , maximum 52%
were having poor knowledge score on common minor neonatal problems. So H1is accepted. None of the
socio-demographic variables were found to have significant association with the level of knowledge of
postnatal mothers. So H2 is accepted. Conclusion: The present study findings revealed that there was
inadequate knowledge of mothers regarding common minor neonatal problems among postnatal mothers.

How to Cite
Mrs. Nitanjali Vaibhav Patil, Mrs. Sheetal A. Kadam, DR. Mahadeo Shinde. (2020). Descriptive study to assess knowledge regarding common minor neonatal problems among postnatal mothers. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 3438-3442. Retrieved from