Rice Breed Classification with a Hybrid Segmentation Method using Image processing

  • Surekha R , Dr. R. Shobarani , Dr. G. Victo Sudha George , C. Tamilselvi , D. Suganthi


Here we propose another technique for Rice breed arrangement. The presence of rice, for example,
its shape and shading and still more highlights are required to be the significant highlights in farming
reproducing and quality testing. It is a troublesome errand for rancher to recognize rice seeds as a
result of the comparable surface and shading highlights of the seeds. This paper presents a
programmed breed order in a non-ruinous way on a novel half and half portion calculation and
ghostly and spatial highlights. Equipment of picture catching with some picture gaining gadget like
camera. The pictures are at first sectioned utilizing our novel half and half calculation that
incorporates contextual clustering technique and random forest for classification. The right grouping
done as great and awful rice followed by breed recognition. This data could be utilized as a sign to
rancher chose to change to another age seeds.

How to Cite
Surekha R , Dr. R. Shobarani , Dr. G. Victo Sudha George , C. Tamilselvi , D. Suganthi. (2020). Rice Breed Classification with a Hybrid Segmentation Method using Image processing. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2997-3005. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/16194