A Study of Red Cell Alloimmunization In Multi-Transfused Patients In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Eastern Zone of India

  • Dr. P Nagrath, Dr GN Kanungo, Dr. R Behera,Dr.J sultana,Dr. B Pati


Background: Repeated blood transfusion can result in the development of alloantibodies against one or more red cell antigen. The development of RBC alloantibodies results in problem in finding a compatible unit for transfusion.

How to Cite
Dr. P Nagrath, Dr GN Kanungo, Dr. R Behera,Dr.J sultana,Dr. B Pati. (2020). A Study of Red Cell Alloimmunization In Multi-Transfused Patients In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Eastern Zone of India. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2702 - 2706. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/15195