Surveillance of Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern Among The Urinary Tract Infection Patients of NICU in a Tertiary Teaching Care Hospital

  • Poonamrani Mishra, Jatindranath Mohanty, Akankshya Sahu, Dr. Ishwar Chandra Behera


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) prevails to be the most common infection among all nosocomial infections. Due to indiscriminate, misuse and over use of antibiotics in ICU, it reveals multidrug resistant (MDR) strains. Proper antibiograms study should be carried out before empirical therapy. In this study, we aimed to investigate the common isolates of UTI and their drug susceptibility test and identified the gene responsible for resistance to Imipenem antibiotic. This study was executed with routine microscopic, identification of organisms and drug sensitivity of isolates from 200 urine samples for a period of six months at Institute of Medical Science and SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. From 200 urine samples, 102 showed significant growth. There were 15 different types of bacteria were identified. The predominant isolated bacteria was P. aeruginosa was common isolate, E. aerogenes(6.18%) , P.mirabiles (6.18), Pseudomonas sp.(31.95,) E.coli(8.24), C.freundii(15.46), S.sonnei(3.06), Streptococcus sp(1.03), Prot vulgaris (4.12), S.epidermis(2.06), Enterococcus(3.09), S.aureus(6.18), S.paratyphi A(7.21), K.oxytoca(3.09) S.flexneri(1.03), S.boydii(1.03) Drug susceptibility pattern reveled highly resistant to imipenem and oxacillin in case of Gram negative bacteria. However, colistin was sensitive to all.

How to Cite
Poonamrani Mishra, Jatindranath Mohanty, Akankshya Sahu, Dr. Ishwar Chandra Behera. (2020). Surveillance of Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern Among The Urinary Tract Infection Patients of NICU in a Tertiary Teaching Care Hospital. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 2671 - 2678. Retrieved from